Samsung has launched its new Airness G600 slider phone in France on April 2009 - its an old design with a new look. The phone is the same G600 stickered with the Airness brand. The specs include a 2.2-inch TFT LCD Display, 5 megapixel camera, TV out, FM Radio Tuner and microSD memory card slot. The phone will be sold only for 199 Euros.
Another feature that the inclusion of this phone GSM / GPRS / EDGE phone that can be used for PowerPoint, Word, Excel and PDF files. It comes with wallpaper and a music playlist chosen by Airness.
Another feature that the inclusion of this phone GSM / GPRS / EDGE phone that can be used for PowerPoint, Word, Excel and PDF files. It comes with wallpaper and a music playlist chosen by Airness.